SurgWise matches applicants based on fit
— not just test scores.

Our customized and science-backed assessments measure job fit across a variety of dimensions (competency, personality, environment), so that your team can feel empowered to select high-value candidates. Your team spends less time sorting through piles of applications, while also being more informed about which candidates are the perfect fit for your organization.

Improved Ability to Identify Top Candidates

We know that there are a number of attributes of successful healthcare providers that are difficult to ascertain through typical screen processes, such as trainability, leadership aptitude, adaptability, and interpersonal skills. Our assessments help you obtain comprehensive data in a structured manner to compare candidates and make more informed decisions.

Lower Remediation

Remediation of poor performers is a common issue within healthcare. We know from empirical work that the predominant issues exhibited by struggling providers are not their ability to learn technical tasks, but instead involve more stable characteristics and abilities, such as interpersonal skills, judgment, and professionalism. By using assessments focused on these innate characteristics and aptitudes, we help you identify individuals who will pick up new skills faster, work better with other people, and need fewer remediation interventions.

Enhanced Efficiency

How much effort and resources does your group put into your current interview and selection process? It is important that other physicians and staff are involved in the selection process, but bringing them in too early unnecessarily wastes their time. Our approach screens applicants for your organization’s desired qualities before they are invited for an interview, thereby raising the standards for who are invited for the next step. In this way, you have increased confidence that those who are invited for an interview will succeed in your organization.

Documented Fairness & Legal Defensibility

Having a data-driven and consistent selection and assessment program is the single best way to avoid litigation and costly lawsuits. Studies have shown that over half of applicants are asked at least one potentially illegal question during the selection process. Reliance on traditional screening tools, such as standardized examination scores and letters of reference, can systematically disadvantage applicants from diverse backgrounds. Our work has shown that reliance on our tools and processes can even the playing field for all candidates, resulting in a more diverse candidate pool. By maintaining the highest standards in selection and applying expertise in employee assessments, we provide the highest quality training and assessments to avoid any costs to reputation or finances.

Reduced Attrition

A substantial proportion of early attrition in healthcare can be attributed to poor job fit. The screening and interview process can be customized to focus on motivational fit and identifying individuals with a higher risk of attrition.

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